Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) launched its pilot project, Kota Kinabalu Pusat Lestari, at the Dewan Masyarakat Kota Kinabalu here on Sunday. The Pusat Lestari would not only be a hub for skilled locals to render services like sewing, repairing of shoes, electronics, mobile devices, computers and such, the place will also be a recycling, donation and environmental awareness centre.
PENAMPANG: The launching of a mobile recycling centre here will serve as a platform to create awareness on sustainable waste management. Friends of Village Development (Tonibung) director Adrian Lasimbang said about 40 per cent of rubbish can be recycled before it is discarded into the Kayu Madang landfill in Telipok. He added that despite efforts from the Kota Kinabalu City Hall (DBKK) and other non-governmental organisations to encourage waste segregation and offer payments for recyclable items, efforts have been futile.
Tenanted at Tame
NST cover for Kapayans Mobile Recycling Centre Promote Sustainable Waste Management
Tel & Fax: 089-224625
Sandakan: Lot 16 - 18 Hock Seng Ind. Estate, Jln Balai Bomba II, 5Km off Jln Labuk, Sandakan
LD: A545,Jln Durian, Simpang Jln Assam, 3Km Off Jln Segama, Lahad Datu
KK: 17 HSK Ind Centre, Jln Duta 5 Km Off Jln Penampang, KK
Did we miss any recycling centre in Sabah? Or do you have any suggestion for improvements?
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